
ISSUE 7 | Not Trying to Catch Feelings or Coronavirus

unCoVer疫中人 unCoVer疫中人 2020-09-05

Editor's Note

The COVID-19 outbreak has changed everything about daily life in China, including dating. Amy DeCillis is a 22-year-old American in her final year of study at Shanghai New York University (NYU Shanghai), where she is majoring in Global China Studies. Many of Amy’s classmates transferred to a different NYU campus or went back to their hometowns for the semester, and her other friends had to extend their overseas winter vacations. But Amy decided to stick it out in Shanghai, taking online classes while waiting for the campus to re-open.
In this blog post (published on Amy’s personal blog on Feb 23rd), Amy describes her adventures with the popular dating app Tinder (endnote 1) during this time. She has been using Tinder as a “dataset” to keep track of expats in Shanghai during the coronavirus outbreak -- how many have fled China, who have stayed, and what they are looking for. But given the current lack of options for socializing, she is now also using the app to go on dates. Her attempts at connecting with the dwindling number of online singles in Shanghai are sometimes hilarious, sometimes frustrating, and rarely romantic.

在这篇帖子中(于2月23日发布于苗苗个人博客),苗苗讲述了她在交友软件Tinder(尾注1)上的一系列奇遇。她一直把Tinder当作一个外国人动向“资料库”,去了解疫情期间在上海的外国人的最新消息 —— 有多少逃离了上海,哪些人留了下来,他们有哪些需求。但考虑到目前社交途径的稀缺,她现在也用这个软件约约会。在上海的Tinder单身群体不断缩小,而她与他们的经历有时滑稽,有时令人沮丧,多数时候并不浪漫。


Not Trying to Catch Feelings or Coronavirus


Author: Amy DeCillis

Translators: Amy DeCillis, Maggie

Originally published on: Medium

While Shanghai is a city of approximately 24 million people, it has felt like a ghost town since the novel coronavirus hit. There are barely any cars on the road, almost no one on the subway, and significantly fewer expats on Tinder. Most of the guys I matched with before winter break are now thousands of miles away with new bios. For the poor guys who have stuck around, they are definitely bored and in desperate search of Netflix-chilling not necessarily implied (endnote 2). In fact, a lot of people are scared of actually meeting up at all.


A Tinder user, likely stuck at home for days, is trying to borrow someone’s log-in credentials for the video streaming app Netflix. 


Tinder typically comes with a side of risk. The person you meet up with could kill you, give you an STD, or worse, catfish you (using a fake profile). Now, on top of all that, you could catch the coronavirus. Guys in Shanghai, aware of this new risk and thirsty as ever, have certainly risen to the challenge and adjusted their Tinder game accordingly. I’ve seen lots of coronavirus jokes, people claiming to not be from Wuhan, and one guy even posted a picture of a thermometer to prove he’s healthy.


A Tinder user is posting his body temperature to show he doesn’t have a fever. Temperature check points are common at businesses and residential compounds in Shanghai at this time (endnote 3).


On the one hand, I think I’ve got mad game because even though everyone is terrified of catching the coronavirus, I can still find a date. On the other hand, everyone’s standards have dropped significantly since the mass exodus, so I should not be too proud. Tinder really seems to be a means of survival these days. I don’t even mean in terms of fighting loneliness – I had a guy straight up ask me for masks the other day. His request was a humble reminder that I, in fact, do not have mad game. Upon realizing that I was being used for masks, I decided not to share.


An example of a “thirsty” Tinder user who is trying to meet people during the coronavirus outbreak.


Of course I would love to meet someone who already has their own mask the good old fashioned way, but nothing is open. You can’t meet someone at a movie theater, a bar, or a restaurant because all of those places are closed right now. Except for a few, most restaurants are only delivering and only a couple bars have started opening this weekend (endnote 4).


Even if you do manage to meet someone, everyone’s wearing a mask and it’s not the cute kind you wear to a masquerade ball. The masks we’re all sporting these days are sweaty and just alert you to the stench of your own breath. I think I’ve actually gotten a few pimples from wearing them so much, which of course has not helped my Tinder game. 


Mom, if you’re still reading this, please don’t worry about me. I’m not pregnant or dead yet, and the guards at my apartment complex aren’t even allowing guests in. Also I promise I’m putting more effort into my online classes than online dating.


Endnote 1: Tinder is a social networking and online dating application that allows the users to anonymously swipe to “like” or “dislike” other profiles based on their photos, a short bio, and common interests. Once two users have “matched”, they can exchange conversations.

尾注1: Tinder是一款国外社交应用程序,与国内“陌陌”类似。用户可浏览其他用户的照片、个人说明以及共同兴趣,并匿名滑动屏幕以选择“喜欢”或“跳过”。当双方用户“匹配”后,可互发消息、组织线下见面等。

Endnote 2: “Netflix and chill” is an invitation for someone to come over and watch a movie on the streaming app Netflix. It’s often used now as slang for casual romance or hooking up. During the coronavirus outbreak, some guys on Tinder seem more interested in getting the video content rather than the hookup.

尾注2:“网飞快活”(Netflix and chill) 指邀请别人到家中在视频流软件“网飞”(Netflix)上看电影。但作为俚语通常指随意的恋爱关系或者勾搭、约炮。这里指在新冠病毒期间,一些人对看网飞上的视频比勾搭、恋爱更感兴趣。

Endnote 3: Temperature checks are implemented in Shanghai and other cities to detect potentially infected citizens in places such as airports, offices and residential complexes. On February 8th, a press conference was held by Shanghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention, in which authorities reported that the majority of the residential complexes have successfully implemented the “closed-off management”, measures including temperature checks, traffic control, etc.

尾注3: 体温检测在中国各城市的机场、办公地点、住宅小区均有执行,以检测可能感染新冠病毒的居民。在2月8日,上海市疾控中心举行新闻发布会,报告称上海大部分小区已实现“准封闭式管理”,措施包括体温检测、严控小区出入口数量等。


Endnote 4: On January 24th, Shanghai launched a Level 1 public health emergency response, and on the 25th, the Shanghai government urged all entertainment venues such as public libraries, museums, amusement parks, nightclubs, etc. to shut down temporarily. All enterprises (except food production, medical equipment, telecommunications, etc.) are expected to reopen no earlier than Feb 9th. 



尾注4: 在1月24日,上海宣布启动重大公共卫生事件一级响应措施。次日,上海市政府要求公共图书馆、博物馆、游艺娱乐场所、歌舞娱乐场所等文化旅游设施实行闭馆或停止开放。除食品生产、医疗器械、电子通讯等企业,其他各类企业不早于2月9日复工。

This article was originally published in English by Amy DeCillis on her personal blog. The original text has been edited. All images are from Amy’s original post. 


Proofreader: Eliza
Editor: Carly, Maggie
Typesetting: Acker

Please share with us your experience of online or offline social interaction in the time of coronavirus by sending us a Wechat message or emailing us at 2020.uncover@gmail.com



ISSUE 1 | A Father’s Diary in the Wake of Huanggang’s Lockdown

ISSUE 2 | She Bought 100 Masks for the Sanitation Workers

ISSUE 3 | Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

ISSUE 4 | Who Touched My Hair?

ISSUE 5 | Is Sinophobia Only Skin Deep?

ISSUE 6 | An ER Nurse and His Boyfriend

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